Water Wars


Water Wars is a play written and directed by Ian Rowlands and stars Russell Gomer (Stella), Dick Johns (The Office), Gwyn Vaughan Jones (Rownd a Rownd) and Bethan Ellis Owen (Pobol y Cwm). 

Water Wars is an eco-thriller set in an arid future when ecologies have replaced nation states. It is set in a time when the world is predicted to warm by four degrees. Fearing the catastrophe, the government of the Welsh ecology takes steps to defend the one resource vital to its survival; a resource more valuable than gold or oil - water, which it has in abundance. However, a neighbouring ecology lays claim to the Welsh resource; “So what are you saying?” Wales is told “You own the rain?”

Water Wars is a zeitgeist play; a tragicomedy for our times. With the break-up of Britain in a period of eco-crisis, new relationships and loyalties will have to be renegotiated.


Mae Water Wars yn ddrama newydd wedi ei hysgrifennu a’i chyfarwyddo gan Ian Rowlands. Yn y cast mae Russell Gomer (Stella), Dick Johns (The Office), Gwyn Vaughan Jones ( Rownd a Rownd) a Bethan Ellis Owen (Pobol y Cwm).

Mae Water Wars yn eco-thriller wedi ei lleoli mewn dyfodol sych, lle mae ecoleg wedi cymryd lle gwledydd. Mae hi wedi ei gosod mewn byd lle mae´r tymheredd wedi codi 4 gradd. Yn ofni´r canlyniadau mae´r ecoleg Gymreig yn cymeryd camau i amddiffyn yr un adnodd syn hanfodol i´w dyfodol; adnodd mwy pwysig nag aur nag olew - dwr - rhywbeth nad oes prinder ohonno! Er hynny, mae´r ecoleg gyfagos yn hawlio´r dwr ."So what are you saying?" meddant "You own the rain?" 

Mae Water Wars yn ddrama Zeitgeist, yn tragigomedi i´n hoes ni. Gyda Prydain yn chwalu mewn cyfnod o eco-argyfwng, mae rhaid ailddiffinio perthnasau a theyrngarwch newydd.

Nelken Line

This Nelken Line film was made on a cold and misty Saturday morning, on the 23rd December 2017, at Llan Ffestiniog churchyard. The participants come from a wide range of backgrounds, and before making this film, had been dancing together with Siri Wigdel for about a year. When the call-out came from the Pina Bausch Foundation to make different Nelken Line versions, Siri jumped at the chance, having learned the original movements from the great master herself, 30 years previously. The Llan Dance group performed their task with great passion and commitment. This film is dedicated to Pina Bausch, and we hope she would have been proud. 


Ffilmiwyd y Nelken Line yma ar fore Sadwrn oer a niwlog ar y 23ain o Ragfyr 2017 ym mynwent Llan Ffestining. Mae’r dawnswyr yn cynnwys nifer o bobol o gefndiroedd gwahannol, a chyn gwneud y ffilm yma, roeddynt yn cwrdd bob wythnos am bron i flwyddyn efo Siri Wigdel. Pan ofynnodd Sefydliad Pina Baush am i bobol rownd y byd wneud Nelken Line eu hunnain, bachodd Siri ar y cyfle gan ei bod hi wedi dysgu’r symudiadau 30 mlynedd ynghynt gan Pina ei hun. Perfformiodd grwp Llan ei fersiwn nhw gydag angerdd ac ymroddiad. Mae’r ffilm yma i goffau Pina Bauch a gobeithiwn y byddai hi yn falch iawn.